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27 Sep 2024

Vivente New Release Now Selling

Stages 5C, 9E, 13A and 13B

We are pleased to announce the release of some of the final lots at Vivente.

The release contains 23 lots which includes Stage 13A (lots 241-257 with Titles due January 2025) and 13B (lots 1, 19, 20,42 with Titles due January 2025) as well as lots 218, 416 (Stage 5C with Titles due November 2025) and lot 885 (Stage 9E which is titled).

Frankland Avenue Lots 241-248
Please note setback and turning circle driveway requirements for lots 241-248 Frankland Avenue as depicted on the sales plan and LDP.

We have had updated information regarding titles. Stage 13A and 13B: All lots are fully finished with TITLES being available around January 2025. Titles for Stage 5C are expected around November 2024 and Stage 9E, lot 885 Barfield Road is already titled.

Kind regards,

Rod Wright
Land Sales Manager
0407 945 834