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For Lease

44 Baltimore Parade
Merriwa WA 6030


Price (Lease):

12 month’s rent free

Floor Area:

161 sqm

Car spaces:

Ample parking

Merriwa Plaza Shopping Centre

  • Suit variety of uses such as Cafe, hair salon
  • Supa IGA anchor tenant
  • Generous incentives

Richard Noble and Company are proud to present 44 Baltimore Parade, Merriwa for lease.

Local shopping centre with strong demographic and local customer base, situated approximately 11km from Joondalup, with easy access via Marmion Avenue and Hester Avenue.

Join Supa IGA, Liquorland, Pharmacy, Medical, take away food, Chinese restaurant, barber shop and other retailers.

Ample parking available.

161 sqm* shop – $3,150 + GST per month net plus $1,840 + GST* per month outgoings.
171 sqm* shop – $3,300 + GST per month net plus $1,952 + GST* per month outgoings.
332 sqm* shop – $5,950 + GST per month net plus $3,790 + GST* per month outgoings.

Rent free incentive:

  • For a ladies hair salon, owners are offering 12 month’s rent free (rent and outgoings) for approved applicants with lease terms of at least 3 years.


Map of 44 Baltimore Parade, Merriwa

Agent Info


Paul Peou

0400 949 849